Google to Pay $90 Million to Settle DOJ Investigation into Abusive Ad Practices

Google will pay $90 million to settle an investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) into its abusive advertising practices, the DOJ announced Thursday..

The settlement resolves allegations that Google engaged in anti-competitive conduct by misrepresenting the scope of its ad network and manipulating ad auctions to favor its own properties..

“This settlement is the result of a thorough investigation by the Department of Justice that found Google engaged in anti-competitive conduct that harmed advertisers and publishers alike,” said Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter of the DOJ’s Antitrust Division. “The $90 million civil penalty reflects the seriousness of Google’s conduct and sends a clear message that we will not tolerate anti-competitive behavior in the digital advertising market.”.

The investigation found that Google misrepresented the scope of its ad network by claiming that it had exclusive access to a large number of websites and apps. This allowed Google to charge higher prices for ads than it would have been able to if advertisers had known the true reach of its network..

Google also manipulated ad auctions to favor its own properties. For example, Google would sometimes bid on its own ads even when it knew that other ads were more relevant to users. This allowed Google to win more ad auctions and earn more revenue..

The DOJ’s investigation also found that Google engaged in other anti-competitive practices, such as tying its ad server to its other products and services. This made it difficult for advertisers to use other ad servers, which could have led to higher prices for advertisers..

The settlement requires Google to change its advertising practices. Google must stop misrepresenting the scope of its ad network and manipulating ad auctions. Google must also allow advertisers to use other ad servers..

The settlement is a significant victory for the DOJ and for advertisers. It sends a clear message that the DOJ will not tolerate anti-competitive behavior in the digital advertising market..

“This settlement is a major win for advertisers and for competition in the digital advertising market,” said Kanter. “It will level the playing field and ensure that advertisers have the information they need to make informed decisions about where to place their ads.”.

The settlement is also a reminder that Google is not above the law. Even the largest and most powerful companies must遵守反垄断法..

“This settlement shows that no company is too big to be held accountable for anti-competitive conduct,” said Kanter. “We will continue to vigorously enforce the antitrust laws to protect competition and consumers.” .

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